The Long Soliloquy
Geshe Potowa
Translation: Khenpo David Karma Choephel
Potowa Rinchen Sal (1027-1105) was one of the three main students of Dromtönpa, the founder of the Kadampa school of Tibetan Buddhism. Known as Geshe Potowa, he was said to be a reincarnation of the Arhat Angaja and the previous incarnation of the first Karmapa, Dusum Khyenpa. Geshe Potowa’s “Long Soliloquy” (བདག་ཉིད་ཆེན་པོ་སྐྱེས་མཆོག་པུ་ཏོ་བའི་ཆིག་ལབ་རིང་མོ།) is a truly unique text on mind-training. Down-to-earth and based on first-hand experience, it presents an honest and insightful commentary on life and Dharma practice at that time, which is as relevant and valid for Buddhist practitioners in the 21st century as it was then. Since February 2016, the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa has been teaching Geshe Potowa’s “Long Soliloquy” during the annual Kagyu Monlam. Videos of these teachings are available on YouTube.