The Ganges Mahamudra

The Ganges Mahamudra

The Ganges Mahamudra

The Ganges Mahamudra

Some book subtitle comes here
Translation: Khenpo David Karma Choephel

The glorious Naropa was an eminent scholar who had consummated his understanding of the oceans of inner and outer philosophical tenets. Still, with no concern for his body or life, he endured intense hardships in order to receive introduction to the naked nature of mind, free of obscurations, which is the basis for all of samsara and nirvana. This pleased his master, Jetsun Tilopa, who sang him a song of mahamudra, an introduction to the essence of mind itself. This song became known as The Ganges Mahamudra (ཕྱག་ཆེན་གངྒཱ་མ།) and should be cherished by all beings who wish to avoid suffering and obtain happiness.

This is the version of the root text referenced by Shamar Konchok Yenlak in his commentary on the text.

Mahamudra znad Gangesu
Магамудра з берегів Ґанґу
Махамудра с берегов Ганга
El mahamudra del Ganges
Mahamudra Gangga
띨로빠의 항하수 마하무드라
Le Mahamoudra du Gange
O Mahamudra do Ganges
Brief Recitations for the Four Preliminary Practices
Ngondro for Our Current Day
The Ganges Mahamudra
The Torch of True Meaning
The Chariot that Travels the Noble Path
Karma Chakme’s Mountain Dharma: Volume 2
Karma Chakme's Mountain Dharma: Volume 1
Brief Recitations for the Four Preliminary Practices
Ngondro for Our Current Day