Kagyu Monlam Book

The Kagyu Monlam Book

Kagyu Monlam Book

The Kagyu Monlam Book

A Compilation for Recitation
བཀའ་བརྒྱུད་སྨོན་ལམ་ཆེན་མོའི་ཞལ་འདོན་ཕྱོགས་སྒྲིག །
Seventeenth Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje
Translation: Kagyu Monlam Translation Team
Print edition: Kagyu Monlam Souvenir Shop in Bodhgaya

Every year thousands of people, ordained and lay, come to Bodh Gaya to participate in the Kagyu Monlam. With the intention of promoting peace in the world, they come to practice together for a week in the place where the Buddha achieved full awakening. Since 2004 the Gyalwang Karmapa has presided over the Monlam. He explains, “Central to the Monlam—what gives it power and plants the seeds of future results—is the recitation of aspirations and prayers…. Reciting words of the Dharma has the power to refine one’s visualization and train one’s mind.”

Though the Kagyu Monlam belongs fully to the contemporary world, its roots lie in 15th-century Tibet, where the 7th Karmapa, Chödrak Gyatso, established the tradition of great prayer gatherings. They were based on a text that he compiled, called the Twenty-Branch Monlam. With his nonsectarian vision, the present Seventeenth Karmapa has expanded this text to include prayers from all Tibetan traditions, and in particular, all Kagyu schools as well as many daily practices, such as supplications to Guru Rinpoche, the 21 Praises of Tara, and prayers for rebirth in the pure realm of Amitabha. In describing his vision for the practice, the Karmapa wrote: “I make the aspiration that when you recite this during the Monlam, each word may first arise in your heart and then emerge from your mouth. I pray that every letter and syllable become a golden image and that every word fill the entire world. Like the light of the sun, moon, and stars, may love, compassion, and wisdom shine forth.”

The ebook contains images featuring Kagyu Monlam in Bodhgaya as well as links and print edition page numbers that will be useful during the Kagyu Monlam and other prayer festivals: Watch video.

prayer books
Kitab Kagyu Monlam
Συλλογη Προσευχων των Καγκιου
Le Livre du Kagyu Meunlam
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कग्युद महप्रणिधान पाठ संग्रह
El Libro del Monlam Kagyu
Книга молитв Кагью Монламa
Kagju Mynlam: modlitwy i rytuały
까규 대기원법회 독송집
Nghi thức tụng niệm Kagyu Monlam
Kagyü Mönlam
Il libro del Kagyu Monlam